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Journal : DE JURE

DE JURE de JURE (Vol. 1, No. 2
Publisher : syariah

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Marriage is one of the pressing issues mentioned in detail in the Quran and hadis.  Sources  concerning  marriage  mirror  negotiation  between  patriarchal authority and equality among believers. Universal nature of the Quran is then interpreted and  implemented (tafsir wa-tatbiq) to fit the social and cultural makeup of pre-modern Arab peninsula. Hadis concerning forced marriage was put into the mouth of the  prophet to justify the patriarchal authority of pre- modern society, which finds its expression in the books of fiqh. It is a pity that, despite emancipation of women, tradition demeaning to women dies hard. This paper aims to analyze the concept of forced marriage discussed in the books of medieval fiqh which is considered outdated due to its violation of women’s right to choose their spouse.
De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syari'ah Vol 1, No 1: Juni 2009
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/j-fsh.v1i1.321


Marriage is one of the pressing issues mentioned in detail in the Quran and hadis. Sources concerning marriage mirror negotiation between patriarchal authority and equality among believers. Universal nature of the Quran is then interpreted and implemented (tafsir wa-tatbiq) to fit the social and cultural makeup of pre-modern Arab peninsula. Hadis concerning forced marriage was put into the mouth of the prophet to justify the patriarchal authority of pre-modern society, which finds its expression in the books of fiqh. It is a pity that, despite emancipation of women, tradition demeaning to women dies hard. This paper aims to analyze the concept of forced marriage discussed in the books of medieval fiqh which is considered outdated  due to its violation of women’s right to choose their spouse.Perkawinan adalah salah satu isu yang disebutkan secara rinci dalam Qur’an dan hadis. sumber-sumber hukum yang berbicara tentang pernikahan adalah suatu persolan yang menggambarkan negoisasi antara otoritas patriarkhal dan keadilan bagi orang-orang muslim. ajaran universal Qur’an diinterpretasikan dan diimplementasikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan sosial budaya masyarakat Arab pada masa pra-modern.Hadis yang menjelaskan konsep ijbar yang disampaikan oleh Nabi hanya untuk menyesuaikan otoritas patriarchal pada masa pra-modern yang ditemukan pada kitab-kitab fiqh. Akan sangat disayangkan apabila tradisi tersebut merugikan perempuan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa konsep ijbar pada pernikahan yang dibahas dalam kitab-kitab fiqh abad pertengahan yang dianggap ketinggalan jaman karena tidak melihat hak perempuan dalam memilih pasangan.Keywords: Rekonstruksi, Ijbar, Wali, Pernikahan